UniXcape is the communication software solution to enhance customer capability in communication. Based on open standard, UniXcape can be connected to legacy PBX as well as modern Softswitch to add more functionality and efficiency.
UniXcape Family Communication Software Solution
UniXcape is the communication software solution to enhance customer capability in communication. Based on open standard, UniXcape can be connected to legacy PBX as well as modern Softswitch to add more functionality and efficiency.
UniXcape Family consist of 4 solutions : UniXcape Voice, the future voice communication platform. UniXcape Mobility, mobilize you workplace. UniXcape Contact center, the modular and flexible contact center and UniXcape conference, the visual conference.
ProfessionalServices. The business benefits of flexibility, rapid deployment, and cost savings ofcloud communications are real. Expect security, reliability, and scalability asthe foundations our cloud offerings are built on – as you would expect from aglobal leader in integrated communications solutions.
YourCloud. Your Size. Your Shape. Your Pace.We support multiple deployment options – public cloud,private cloud, or a hybrid – with a single software architecture, depending on yourneeds. We complement that with a full range of unified communications (UC)applications, designed to suit the size and demands of your business. And,instead of “rip and replace”, we work with you and our ecosystem of partners tohelp you choose the deployment option that works best for you and integratesbest with your application domains – and then we help you migrate at your pace.
OnYour Budget.Our cloud-based solutions not only cut your cost ofcommunications by up to 30%, they also significantly improve your operationalflexibility, radically reducing the time to implement business decisions thatdepend on communications infrastructure. Add flexible financial and serviceoptions – from capital purchase through “pay as you go“ – and the value ofsecure cloud communications becomes compelling.